Prompted by renowned poet E.D. Blodgett's deep love for and intimate experience of Prague, Praha is a poetic homage to the legendary city's vital spirit. As they build on one another, the poems in the collection lift the reader over...
In this collection by the well-known Edmonton poet, E.D. Blodgett, is an ode to the wisdom and divinity of silence. The poet muses on the quiet of the outdoors and the mysterious relationship that exists between spaces of silence within...
After damaging her olfactory nerve, Bonnie Blodgett’s provocative conversations with renowned geneticists, smell dysfunction experts, neurobiologists, chefs, and others ultimately lead to a life-altering understanding of smell.
Author: Blod......
A Methodist and a Quaker found a women's monastery in Honduras.Author: Blodgett, BethAuthor: Cutting, Prairie NaomaPublisher: Quaker Abbey Press, LLCIllustration: NLanguage: ENGTitle: Amigas del Senor: Methodist MonasteryPages: 00000 (Encr......
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